A tall skyscraper with 52 floors stands in the center of the busiest place in the city. A handsome, wealthy man is smoking a cigarette in his office lounge on the 52nd floor. His sharp eyes scream desire! He can go to any lengths to fulfill his greed. With a deep scar on his left cheek, he smirks, thinking about his new plan to acquire the ultimate power.
Raj: Power! The ultimate power! People will bow to me when I have this power!
Worker 1: Boss! We have details about the man.
Worker 2: Master Yang is looking for this man. He thinks he deserves to have the power.
Raj: He deserves?! No man is as capable as I am. I should have the power and will have it before him by any means! Who is that man anyway?
Worker 1: His name is Rishav. He has just graduated and is looking for a job.
Raj: A kid? Haha! You got to be kidding with me. Is a kid against me? I am a CEO, and a kid looking for a job gets the power?
Worker 2: He still knows nothing about the power, boss. But Master Yang will soon approach him.
Raj: Let’s finish him before he knows anything at all! HAHAHA! But let’s first meet Master Yang.
Student 1: Greetings Master! Some odd-looking men want to meet you.
Student 2: They look dangerous, Master!
Master Yang: Calm down. Don’t fall to conclusions just by looking at people’s attire.
Student 1: But Master, they are carrying guns with them. I saw them!
Master Yang: When you have the ultimate power of magic within you, no gun can scare you.
Student 2: Master, do you have the ultimate power?
Master Yang: Let’s talk about that a bit later. Now go and call those men inside.
Raj, along with his men, enters the monastery.
Raj: Hello, Master Yang!
Master Yang: Hello, Mr. Raj.
Raj: Master Yang, you know me? I am flattered!
Master Yang: Of course, I know the billion-dollar man, CEO of the Empire Foundation.
Raj: I did not expect the Master to know me. But I am not surprised. After all, who does not know me? (Smirks). As you know me so well, don’t you think I deserve the ultimate power?
Master Yang: Who am I to judge whether you deserve this power? I am just a master who can guide you in achieving it. Rest all is in your hands!
Raj: So, will you help me in achieving that power? The ultimate power?
Master Yang: No.
Raj: Why not?! What do I lack?
Master Yang: You lack one thing.
Raj: Haha! And the boy you are trying to meet lacks nothing?
Master Yang: You need not know about others’ weaknesses. You focus on yourself first.
Raj: Enough with the bullshit! Tell me, what do I lack?
Master Yang: You have enough wealth to feed thousands of people. Why do you need this power anyway?
Raj: Why does that matter to you? Just tell me what I do not have.
Master Yang: It matters to me if you want my guidance.
Raj: Master, who does not want power? You have it, too. You chose not to use it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be living in this old monastery.
Master Yang: Exactly, what you want is greed.
Raj: So, that boy is not greedy? He does not want to be the richest?
Master Yang: I am unsure. But he is the chosen one.
Raj: Chosen one? Enough of this nonsense. I can find the power myself! I don’t need your help!
Master Yang: I sincerely hope you do find the power!
Raj rushes out angrily with his men.