Table of Contents
1. Introduction
● About Lotus Plant
● Why grow without soil?
● Water Gardening/ Aquatic Gardening
● Hydroponics Method
2. How to grow Lotus plant using seeds - complete steps
● Step 1 - Scarification/ cracking of seeds
● Step 2: Check for fertile seeds
● Step 3: Container placing conditions
● Step 4: Transferring to pot/ soil requirements
● Step 5: Sunlight and fertilizer requirements
● Step 6: Water requirements
● Step 7: Flowering and bloom/ dormant period
● Step 8: Additional tips
3. Tuber method of growing Lotus plant
● Step 1: Potting of tuber
● Step 2: Planting the tuber
● Step 3: Water and Sunlight Conditions
● Step 4: Fertilizer requirements
● Step 5: Blooming and dormancy
4. How to make a Lotus Pond?
● Building a pool
● Growing Lotus indoors or in a bowl
● Different kinds of Lotus
● Bonsai lotus
● Lotus plant growing problems
5. Benefits of Lotus Plant
● Positive energy
● Lotus in food
● Lotus in medicine
● Nutrients from Lotus
6. Importance of Lotus in different cultures
● Lotus flower in Hinduism
● Lotus flower in Buddhism
● Role of Lotus in vastu shastra
● The Lotus is the national flower.
● Lotus flower meaning
7. Which other plants can be grown without soil?
1. Introduction
The lotus is a beautiful aquatic plant. Usually, we can see Lotus growing in muddy lakes. These flowers float above the water and create a fantastic view. Now to answer the main question, can we grow Lotus without soil? In short, the answer is Yes. Lotus Plant needs support in which it can grow. The mud gives this support. But Lotus seeds can germinate in water without any dirt. Interesting right? These seeds can then be grown in water mixed with all the essential nutrients that would otherwise be present in the soil. Support like rocks or sand can help this Lotus grow well without soil.
But is this preferred over growing in soil? No, because Lotus needs an enormous growing space and full sunlight to give beautiful blooms. Growing in soil is much easier than without soil.
About Lotus Plant
Lotus is scientifically known as Nelumbo Nucifera. This plant usually grows in Asia and Australia. The stalks can grow up to 7 ft. These plants require enormous space to grow well. The Lotus plants need a soil mixture comprising sand, silt, and clay, known as loamy soil. It is a perennial plant that continues growing for many years with the right conditions. The root of Lotus is called a tuber. We can use these tubers to grow Lotus plants instead of seeds.
Why grow without soil?
Growing on the ground can be challenging, even for the most experienced growers. Ground-grown plants are more susceptible to soil-borne diseases and pests, which affect crop health and yield. Additionally, soil structure and nutrient availability may vary across the growing area, making it harder to achieve uniform plant growth and quality.
Growing without soil advantages
1. Improve plant health by providing optimal growth conditions.
2. Minimize the need for manual labor.
3. Provide a safer, more ergonomic, and efficient environment.
Water Gardening/Aquatic Gardening
Water gardening is growing plants adapted to lakes, rivers, and ponds, often specifically to their shallow margins. As the Lotus plant is an aquatic plant growing in ponds and lakes, the water gardening method can be applied and be grown in our homes or public gardens as an attraction.
Hydroponics Method
Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil. This method uses mineral nutrient solutions mixed in water to grow plants. Terrestrial plants may be grown with roots in the mineral nutrient solution or an inert medium. Lotus plants can be grown in homes without soil using the Hydroponics method. This method usually helps in cultivating the greens. The advantages of growing using this method are,
1. You use less water than you would with soil.
2. Grow more nutrient-filled greens.
3. Greens grow faster.
Lotus plants can be grown using this method, but traditionally cultivating Lotus using soil is recommended. Lotus plants are heavy feeders that need rich muck to evolve if you ever want to see a bloom. Indoors aren't ideal too. They need a lot of sunlight. Hence deciding where to grow Lotus and with or without soil is your choice.
2. How to grow Lotus plant using seeds - complete steps
Lotus seeds can germinate without soil, but they require soil after germination. Using soil is much easier than maintaining the nutrient requirements in water without soil. The mud provides all the essential nutrients and support to the plant.
Step 1 - Scarification/ cracking of seeds
We can use dried Lotus seeds, known as kamal gatta, for germination. The Lotus seeds have a hard coat on the outside. For the seeds to germinate, we need to crack this seed coat. This process of breaking the dried seeds is called scarification. Gently break open them using a stone or a small hammer.
Step 2: Check for fertile seeds
After the scarification process, take a container filled with clean, warm water and place the seeds in it. The fertile seeds will sink to the bottom of the container. The seeds that float usually do not germinate.
Step 3: Container placing conditions
Place the container in a bright spot but not under direct sunlight. Change the water regularly until the seeds sprout. The seeds swell after 2 to 3 days and germinate in 3 to 4 days. That is, the seeds start to grow in a week. Now these seeds are ready to be transferred to a pot.
Step 4: Transferring to pot/ soil requirements
Take a pot with no holes, about 15 to 25 inches in diameter and 8 to 20 inches deep. Fill the pot with soil mixture up to 60% of its height. The potting mix is 30% organic compost, 5% bone meal, and 65% clay or muddy soil. Put sand on top of the potting soil to provide support. Plant the seed 1 inch deep in the dirt. Place this pot in the center of a larger container and fill it with water.
Step 5: Sunlight and fertilizer requirements
Place the pot in partial shade for 10 to 15 days until the tiny leaves of the Lotus appear. These leaves are called coin leaves. After that, place the pot in full sunlight for healthy growth.
Add fertilizer only after the aerial leaves have grown. Place the fertilizer on a piece of cloth or paper and add it to the bottom of the bigger pot. In this way, the required amounts of fertilizer reach the plants. Do this process once in 3 to 4 weeks.
Step 6: Water requirements
Change the water once every 15 days by the method of overflowing the water. Place a water pipe down in the bigger pot, which makes the old water come out, and new water fills the tub. Doing this also prevents water stagnation and pests formation. You can also place a few small fish in this pond to protect the pond from mosquito larvae.
During summer, water the pot every 3 to 4 days as the water dries due to heat.
Step 7: Flowering and bloom/ dormant period
The buds start to form at three months, but the blooming of the flowers may take 8 to 12 months. It blooms during the summer and rainy seasons. The winter season is a dormant period for the Lotus plant. Once a flower blooms, it lasts for 3 to 5 days.
Step 8: Additional tips
a. Always remove old leaves from above the water level. If not, the leaves will drown the plant with its weight, as the stems of Lotus plants are hollow.
b. We can use Hydroponic containers with the proper amount of nutrients, minerals, water, and light to grow without soil.
3. Tuber method of growing Lotus plant
Tuber, the root of the Lotus plant, can be used to grow the plant. The tips of the tuber are called growth tips, from which the leaves and stems grow.
Step 1: Potting of tuber
Take a pot without a hole and use the potting mix of 30% compost and 70% clay soil. Fill the pot with the soil mix up to 3/4th of its height.
Step 2: Planting the tuber
Dig a shallow pit about 2 to 3 inches deep, and place the tuber in the soil. Keep in mind not to bury the growth tips of the tuber. Take great care to avoid breakage of any of these growth tips.
Step 3: Water and Sunlight Conditions
Fill the water slowly in the pot till the edge without disturbing the tuber. Keep the jar under full sunlight for healthy growth of the plant. Change the water every week. The leaves start to grow.
Step 4: Fertilizer requirements
Start adding fertilizer when the aerial leaves start to form. Wrap a tbsp of the fertilizer in a small piece of paper or cloth and place it in the soil. Fertilize every 3 to 4 weeks for blooms.
Step 5: Blooming and dormancy
It can take up to 3 months for the buds to appear on the Lotus plant. Winter is the dormant period of the Lotus plant, so no new plants grow during this season. New growth starts to appear again during the spring season.
4. How to make a Lotus Pond?
We can build Lotus Ponds using the water gardening method. It is one of the oldest arts of gardening.
Building a pool
If there is a shallow pond with a natural depression that holds water all year round without drying or overflowing, such places are perfect for the Lotus plants. The soil needs to be clayey, and the water should be still.
You can build a concrete pool if a natural pond is not available. The area and size of the reservoir depend on how large the garden is or how large the puddle you want to build. Dig out the soil and harden the base. Fix a pipe below to provide water to the pond. Fill the pond with clayey or loamy soil. A Lotus plant requires 1 m of depth to grow. Plant the Lotus directly in the mud and fill the water until the leaves float.
Growing Lotus indoors or in a bowl
These days when we all live in smaller spaces and do not have enough room for gardening, we try to farm everything in small pots or containers. It is possible to grow the Lotus plant in a small bowl or an indoor aquarium for attraction. Follow the method given above either to grow from seeds or tubers.
Growing indoors might be difficult as the Lotus plant needs enough sunlight to thrive. Flowering may become challenging if we grow indoors.
Different kinds of Lotus
There are many varieties of Lotus flowers, and they come in six different colors. White and pink are the most common colors. Other colors include yellow, blue, purple, and red. Each of these holds a meaning. You can choose different varieties of Lotus depending on their growing conditions and the color of your choice to add beauty to the pool.
There are three types of Lotus: rhizome lotus, seed lotus, and flower lotus. Rhizome lotus varieties produce higher yield and quality rhizomes than seed or flower lotus cultivars. The characteristics of seed lotus cultivars are numerous carpels and seed sets and large seeds with better nutritional properties. Flower lotus cultivars are used exclusively for ornamental purposes producing many flowers and the lowest plant height.
Bonsai lotus
Few varieties of Lotus are shorter in size, known as dwarf Lotus. These Lotus are perfect for growing in small spaces. They are no larger than 3 ft. They can flower in pots up to 14 inches. 3 to 4 inches of water above the soil is enough for survival. Potting and growing methods are the same as other Lotus varieties.
Lotus plant growing problems
Lotus usually grows well during the summer season. The container of the Lotus plant may become hot due to high heat. And the water gets hot too, causing the leaves to become black. The stems may also die. Due to the high heat, the fish in the container also might perish. The best way to prevent this is to keep the pot in partial sunlight where only 3 to 4 hrs of the sun reaches the plant. You can also cover the container for a few hours instead.
There is a lot of algae formation in the Lotus containers, which we can prevent by regularly cleaning and growing some small fish.
The leaves might become black before they grow to their full size because of improper potting soil mix. The plant will not get enough nutrients and eventually die. Try to use the proper ratio of potting mix to prevent such problems.
The new Lotus leaves grow upon the old ones, making them drown in the water if the container is small. We need to remove these old leaves and change water regularly to maintain the healthy growth of the plant.
5. Benefits of Lotus Plant
Various cuisines around the world use different parts of Lotus to prepare food. Some of them even have medicinal benefits. Lotus plants are also part of some religions.
Positive energy
The Lotus plant is sacred in some religions. Planting the Lotus plant at home brings happiness and prosperity. It is also said to attract money and wealth.
Lotus in food
The Lotus plant roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds are all edible and used in different cuisines in several parts of Asia.
Lotus in medicine
Different parts of Lotus help treat headaches, diarrhea, digestion problems, skin problems, and fever. It also helps during sore throat and cough. Lotus flowers also help in skin and hair treatment.
Nutrients from Lotus
The minerals present in Lotus root are potassium, phosphorous, copper, iron, manganese, and vitamins like thiamin, zinc, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Lotus root consists of dietary fiber and protein too. Lotus roots can be refrigerated and stored in a cool, dark place for over a year.
6. Importance of Lotus in different cultures
Lotus flower in Hinduism
The Lotus flower is associated with specific Hindu deities like Lord Brahma, the creator who sits on a Lotus flower that rises from the naval of Lord Vishnu, the protector. Even the goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, sits on a Lotus flower. The Lotus is a symbol of purity and fertility.
Lotus flower in Buddhism
In Buddhism, the Lotus flower correlates to a person rising to spirituality. As the Lotus blooms from muddy water and blossoms towards the light similarly, a man moves towards spirituality when he leaves the material attachment behind.
Role of Lotus in vastu shastra
According to vastu shastra, a traditional Indian architecture system, Lotus brings positive energy, prosperity, and wealth. So planting a Lotus at your home or even having a painting of a Lotus brings in good luck.
The Lotus is the national flower.
The Lotus is the national flower of India, Egypt, and Vietnam. In India, the Lotus flower has significance in art and mythology. The Egyptians connected the Lotus to rebirth. The Vietnamese consider the Lotus a symbol of purity and strength.
Lotus flower meaning
There are different meanings behind the different colors of the Lotus flower.
The white Lotus represents mental purity.
The red Lotus represents love.
The blue Lotus represents wisdom.
The pink Lotus represents enlightenment.
7. Which other plants can be grown without soil?
Many plants are experimented with to grow without soil. Using the Hydroponics method, the greens, like lettuce, flourished with good results. So a good growth of plants needs a medium that supplies all the essential nutrients with enough water and sunlight. The Hydroponics method has made farming without soil very popular. A few examples of plants that can grow naturally without mud are,
Orchids: Orchids are the flowers most commonly used for decoration purposes. These plants grow on other plants and do not need soil. Such plants are known as epiphytes.
Lucky Bamboo: Lucky Bamboo is a well-known choice to give presents. This plant looks similar to a bamboo tree. These are low-maintenance plants and serve as decorations at home and office.
Philodendron: Philodendron is known for its heart-shaped leaves. It is a commonly grown houseplant that requires a little care. They can effortlessly grow well in water.
Spanish moss: Spanish moss adds to the decor of any tree. This plant grows on another plant by absorbing air and moisture from the surrounding environment. It is another example of an epiphyte.
1. B.V, Logiqs. Advantages of growing crops on Logiqs mobile benches. (accessed May 15, 2023).
2. Randhawa, G. S., and Amitabha Mukhopadhyay. 2001. Floriculture in India. N.p.: Allied Publ.
3. Nelumbo nucifera. (2023, May 12). In Wikipedia.
4. Growing Lotus plant from a tuber -
5. Growing Lotus plant from seeds -
6. Lotus plant growing problems -